Evangel Christian Assembly.


ECA is an Apostolic-Prophetic Church

Evangel Christian Assembly (ECA) is an apostolic-prophetic church. We value the five-fold ministry given by God and aim to establish even more disciples through the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

This is our vision.

Evangel Christian Assembly.

One Church, Many Campuses (OCMC)

ECA has campuses in several countries around the world. We connect and lead our campuses through the establishment of the ECA International Apostolic Network. Additionally, ECA uses the House Church Model to reach out to various peoples. No matter which campus you belong to, we are all given the same mission and goals because we are One Church, Many Campuses (OCMC)!

Evangel Christian Assembly.

Excellent Disciples - One Spirit (2025)

Continuing from the goals and themes of recent years, ECA still seeks to establish excellent disciples by building upon the 3Fs, 4Es, and 3As and infusing a new vision – One Spirit!

“27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel.” [Philippians 1:27]

When leaders align with leaders, leaders with disciples, disciples with disciples, campus with campus, campuses with ECA International, reaching a shared purpose and moving towards a common goal and vision, ECA can be an excellent church, a church that builds a group of excellent disciples who follow Jesus.

Evangel Christian Assembly.
Evangel Christian Assembly.


Offering Firstfruts

Speaker: Delon Low

By offering everything to God,
we not only experience His abundance in every aspect of life
but also grow in our spiritual life.

ECA I Campuses

Evangel Christian Assembly.

Contact us for more information.