Allow Prayer and Reading of God’s Word to be Your Wings

My name is Vivi, and I eager to share with you my approach to reading the Bible. I do not believe my method is superior to others; everyone has their own way of reading the Bible. However, I want to share my personal experience with you, hoping it might encourage you.

My first Bible was given to me by my husband, even though neither of us were Christians at that time. During Sunday services at church, I was eager to understand what the Bible was conveying. Before reading the Bible, I would pray, even though I did not fully recognize it as such back then. I’d say, “Lord, if there is truly a God, let me see You!”

Upon becoming a believer, I remember my counsellor advising me to go to bed early. As a result, I went to bed at 9pm every night and got up early the next day to read the Bible. More than 20 years have passed now but I still have not forgotten this statement:
“Do not stay up late. Go to bed early and get up early in the morning to read the Bible.” Establish a regular time in the morning to read the Bible. If you do not have time in the morning, set a time for the evening. The key is to set a regular time to read the Bible and make it a habit. When you read the Bible, close your door because it is important to have some quiet time alone with God. Before I read the Bible, I would pray and say, “Lord, I am going to read Your word. Let me encounter You through Your word, let me understand Your word, and let it speak to my heart”.

I particularly like the book of Psalm. I usually read a chapter from Psalm, a chapter from Proverbs, a chapter from Isaiah (a book of treasures), or a chapter from the New Testament. If you do not have a lot of time, it is fine to read one to two chapters. God often speaks to us through the Bible.

I remember Pastor Stella once shared with us the inspiring story of Susanna Wesley, the wife of Pastor Samuel Wesley, who had 10 children. You can imagine how busy it can get being a mother. However, whenever Susanna wanted to pray and draw close to the Lord, she would cover her head with an apron so that her children would know that their mother was praying. She became an example for her children. Susanna spent an hour praying every day and spent time reading the Bible. She also prayed with her children every week, and this caused them all to grow up with a great love for Jesus. If you want to get closer to God and have a greater desire for Him, you must find a way, just like Susanna did. Pastor Sitoh’s wife, Pastor Leanne, once said,
“Prayer and reading of the word of God are like a pair of wings; both are indispensable.”

When Anne, my daughter, was about one or two years old, I would often pick up the Beginner Bible with its many colourful pictures and read it to her. I kept reading it to her, and as she grew older, she would read along with me, sometimes reading it out loud even before I got to it. When she grew even older, I would read to her from my Bible, starting from: Genesis – how God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh day; Adam and Eve – how God drove them out of the Garden of Eden; Noah’s ark; Abraham, Issac, and many others. All these stories of the Old Testament were very captivating. I made sure to read her a chapter a day. Many times, after I finished reading a chapter, Anne would ask me to read another, and another after that. I couldn’t bear to refuse when I saw her expectant eyes, even if my mouth ran dry or if my eyes started to grow heavy.

As Anne grew older, I asked her to recite memory verses from Psalm and Proverbs. These verses are golden words that God has placed in her life and will always be with her. Every day before we go to bed, we read the Bible together, share insights that we gain from God’s word, and then take turns praying for each other.

Use the word of God to feed and nurture your children.

Finally, echoing the words of Pastor Leanne, “Let prayer and reading of the word of God become our wings, leading us to spread our wings and fly!”

About Author

Evangel Christian Assembly.


ECA Auckland